Step 1: Figuring out ideal (future) you

Hopefully you’ve read the first two articles in the series? In this article we will dive into figuring out “ideal you”, which is the first step in the change process.

This step isn’t fluff and describing it as “ideal” may have many of you thinking it’s fluff. In fact, this is hard because we don’t like to and aren’t good at talking about ourselves! So, if you need to, think of this as figuring out “future you”.

How you best navigate and contribute in these complex times!

How you best navigate and contribute in these complex times!

How you best navigate and contribute in these complex times: First of all, a "Bearing" is movement in a specific direction. What I know is, that “specific direction”, is guided by one’s strengths, values, vision, skills and behaviour.

Second, my philosophy is that the direction of your movement comes from "the inside out". Outside influences alone will not be enough to find your Bearing.

And, if you don't know the Bearing you want to take right now, that's O.K. too. It takes some work to figure it out!

A recipe for success today - part 3!

A recipe for success today - part 3!

In the first two parts of this series we talked about strengths, values, vision, and purpose. The next steps in the recipe for success today are to focus, set goals, and create a plan.

The key here is that you have to be ready! If you aren’t ready to do this amount of work - and ready is different than intending to do the work or wanting to - none of what I’ve written or what I can offer as a coach will make a difference.