A recipe for success today!

We all define success differently and we will achieve our own success in ways that align best with who we are and who we are being. I believe even more strongly that this recipe is valid today in the middle of all our efforts to pass through this pandemic safely!

Any recipe for success, then, has to take that into account.  The preparation for this recipe starts with strengths, values, vision and purpose (svvp).

Delivering the success that will come from the prep work requires, focus, health and mental toughness, goals and a plan.

To start, use a tool to find out what your strengths are, from the experts - we all think we know what our strengths are, if we spend a lot of time thinking about them and we are still usually wrong.

When you find out what your strengths are, focus on using them.  There is a dark side to using a strength in all situations - ever heard, “when the only tool in your toolbelt is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”?  Imagine trying to use a hammer to pull out a screw!

Notice when you don’t use a strength that fits the situation.  How did it go? Could it have gone better? How will you remember to use the strength the next time that situation arises.

And, let’s be clear, we don’t talk about ‘w’’s in this conversation - let me know if you’re not sure what a ‘w’ is! The key here is that conventional ‘w’’s are really just gaps - things we have no interest in; skills we have chosen not to develop; things that aren’t relevant which we have put no time into.  These things don’t become ‘w’’s until someone decides you need them and labels them and you.

Figuring out how to use something that you are good at to close a gap will get you further every time.

What is most important to you? Sometimes that’s a hard question to answer - lots of things are important. Here are some ways to figure it out organically:

  • What is something you do, that after you do it, you feel shame or guilt or get angry with yourself

  • What are some things that people do that just set you off? What do you just shake your head at? Are some of those things the things in the list above?

  • What do you never want to do?

  • What do you make sure never happens to you?

From these lists, ask yourself 5 levels or “why” until you feel you really understand it - conversely work with someone and have them be the questioner and stick with it.

This is the start of the success recipe.  Do these things and I will share vision and purpose next week!