Round 3 - Recovery

Well it’s more than 5 weeks post surgery and almost 5 weeks at home!

Things are starting to get back to being more “normal”. Some of the early meds to help recovery are done. Incisions are all healed and fading. My chest is feeling stronger - not ready for pushing or pulling yet but able to handle smaller tasks. Closing a snap lid food container is getting easier (who would have thought that would have been a healing challenge!?)

Do you have a personal leadership process?

Do you have a personal leadership process?

I’ve been thinking about this for a while. Life, it’s about being successful. And I know that success is different for each of us! And, even if we think of what success is and it seems the same as someone else, it probably means something different to us. Success is unique to each of us and we all want to feel successful - right?

Personal leadership - it's how you mobilize yourself!

Personal leadership - it's how you mobilize yourself!

Personal leadership, it’s every bit as important as the leadership we talk about in organizations. A person who can lead themselves - self-manage, self-regulate, self-motivate - and do it with honesty, humility and compassion for themselves will be able to use those same skills with others.